Home Home Improvement 7 Warning Signals That You Are Due A Roof Repair

7 Warning Signals That You Are Due A Roof Repair

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One of the first things you learn as a homeowner is that it far from the idyllic dream you had. You have to deal with a myriad of problems, from bug infestations to damaged floors, leaky plumbing to collapsing roofs. Fixing the issues as they crop up not only eats away at your budget, but also your precious time in your home. Wouldn’t it be best if you can spot an issue before it becomes a problem? Well, you can. Toronto roofing tells you of 7 warning signs that mean you need to fix your roof.

1. Age
While it may seem that your roof is fine, sometimes problems can crop up beneath the woodworks. In general, a roof lasts at most 20-25 years.  If your roof is reaching the end of its predetermined lifecycle, it’s best to have a look at it.

2. State of Shingles and Granules
Curled or bucking shingles are another sign that your roof is not in its best condition. Missing shingles are also a definite alert. Take a look at the slopes that get direct sunlight. If you notice discrepancy in your shingles, you should contact a roofing contractor.

3. Roof Valleys
Valleys are a vital part of your roof. Snow and rain flow through the valleys and drain into gutters. Thus if the valley is damaged, the elements will have no place to go and will only burden the roof. Moisture will seep into the shingles and it will only be a short time till you have to deal with a leaky roof.

4. Neighbors
A lot of the time, houses in the same locality are usually built around the same time and experience same weather conditions. As a result, they usually they have the same lifespan and problems start occurring around the same time. If most of your neighbours are getting work done on their roofs, it may be a sign that yours needs attention as well.

5. Moss Growth
Moss grows on roof surfaces that don’t get much sunlight. A cool, moist climate is especially conducive to moss growth. This can be particularly harmful since moss can store moisture. Over time, especially in rainy or freezing climates, this can damage the granules on the top of the shingles. You can brush moss off, but that won’t prevent it from growing again. Thus special care must be taken if you notice moss on your roof.

6. Dark Streaks
Dark streaks on roof decks may be caused by airborne algae. While this might not harm the roofing, sometimes algae growth leads to an increase in vegetation growth and, consequently, retention of moisture. This can cause the roof surface to be damaged, especially in rainy or freezing climates.

7. Spots of Outside Light
If you’re at home and look up and can spot daylight through your roof, that is a sure sign of roof damage. Light shining through even the smallest gap means that the layers of your roof have eroded away, or shingles are missing and you need to get it repaired immediately. Waiting will only cause the gap to widen, the result of which will be large leaks and irreparable damage.

Spotting problems in your roof structure is easy if you only keep an eye out for it. By being pro-active in protecting your home, you can save not only your hard-earned money, but also forgo on dealing with the all the hassles that come with replacing your roof.

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