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 7 Sure-fire Tips for Writing Engaging Emails

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Every day, more than two hundred billion emails are sent. Even with this big number, very few people bother to read their emails. On average, an office will receive at least 120 emails per day. A quick look into your inbox, you will definitely find a number of emails you are yet to read. According to studies, email recipients only bother to open emails that appeal to them. Therefore, poorly done emails may remain unread for a long time and yet they may be of importance to the recipient. Here are some email marketing tips and tricks to help you to write more engaging emails that get read.

1.      Address the Recipient By Their Name

It is important to address the recipient by their name. People respond positively to emails addressing them by their name. It shows that you took your time do some research on them. Grab the attention of the recipient by using their name in the salutation.

2.      Personalize Your Emails

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Personalization goes beyond addressing someone using their name. You also need to appeal to certain traits that make up their personality. You can learn a lot about a person by simply looking for information about them. Ensure you highlight a mutual connection in your email body. Also, send the email from your personal account as opposed to using the company account.

3.      Make the Recipient Feel Important

Any Toronto SEO consultant will tell you that making a reader feel important is key for any business. The deepest urge for any human being is to feel important. Therefore, making your recipient feel important is a good way of ensuring they read your entire email and that you get a positive response.

4.      Show Genuine Interest in The Recipient

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If you want your emails to stand a chance of being read, you need to develop a genuine interest in your recipient. Make the email more about the recipient than your business.

5.      Let the Email Convey Positive Emotions

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Most emails are written in a very formal way, which makes them boring to the recipient. While it is ideal to maintain the professional tone, you also need to make the email easy to read and also address the emotional aspect of the recipient. Making someone smile when reading your email can go a long way in ensuring you get a positive response.

6.      Let Your Email Tell A Story

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A story makes a piece more interesting to read as opposed to only presenting facts and figures. Ensure you make your emails are compelling enough to read. Make your recipient look forward to the next sentence. This way, you are guaranteed that your email will be read to the end, and thus increase your chances of getting positive feedback.

7.      Work on Your Conversational Skills

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Successful business people pay exclusive attention to the people speaking to them. Therefore, you need to learn to listen to people and show genuine interest in what they are saying. Listening is the best compliment you can accord to anyone. When your recipients return your email, ensure you read them and respond accordingly.

For more email marketing tips and tricks visit www.seovancouver.ca and talk to an email marketing professional.

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