Home Services 6 Reasons to Hire a Plumber vs. DIY

6 Reasons to Hire a Plumber vs. DIY

6 min read

It’s often tempting to take the DIY approach to plumbing. However, there are even more reasons to hire a professional plumber. It will allow you to get the work done right without wondering if you did something wrong.

#1: Get the Proper Diagnosis
The DIY approach means having to figure out what is wrong on your own. However, a plumber will have the experience needed to properly diagnose the problem. It makes it easier to know that the real problem is being addressed as opposed to guessing at what you think might be wrong.

#2: Rely on a Licensed Professional
Plumbers are licensed professionals. They receive a license from the state based on their experience and their education. They understand plumbing on a higher level. They have gone to school to understand more about the way that pipes work and how to make different types of repairs. It will ensure that you have a qualified individual inside your home as opposed to using YouTube or some internet how-to article to get the job done.

#3: Avoid Additional Repairs
Many people who take the DIY approach and up with additional repairs. This is because they don’t know how to disassemble the toilet, shut off the water main, or do various other things. You don’t want a simple project to become more expensive than absolutely necessary. A plumber has the experience level needed to get the job done. They can make sure that everything is done right the first time so that you can avoid additional repairs and additional expenses.

#4: Tap into Better Tools
What you have in your home for tools may not be what’s needed to handle various plumbing repairs. Plumbers use a lot more than plungers and wrenches. They will have snakes and other devices to help with clogs. They will also have the necessary tools to make quick work of opening pipes, changing ball valves, and more.

It’s best to let a plumbing company come in with all of their equipment. Many companies have vans outfitted with all of the tools and supplies that they need. This means that they can make the repairs without having to leave and come back. It certainly beats having to go back and forth to the home improvement store in order to get more supplies.

#5: Use New Technology
Plumbers are also going to use some of the latest technology. This includes leak detection monitors to see if there is a leak behind a wall. They will also be able to use small cameras to see what is going on inside of a drain. All of this makes it easier to identify the problem and create the best solution.

#6: Gain a Warranty
Another reason to hire a professional plumber is because they will issue a warranty on parts and labor. It ensures that it’s the same problem occurs shortly after they have come out, they will come back out at no extra cost to you. This can save you a significant amount of money and give you confidence that the problems taken care of properly.

There are certainly home repair aspects that benefit from the DIY approach. However, plumbing is a specialized area. As such, it only makes sense to hire a professional company to come out and assist when you have a problem.

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